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Academic success

Why Haileybury

Haileybury aspires to be an outstanding independent school in Australia and overseas because of a unique combination of factors that deliver more than the sum of their parts: innovative teaching methods, exceptional teachers, outstanding academic results, a strong international focus and a comprehensive understanding of education that stretches back to 1892.

“Haileybury's academic efforts in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) continue to deliver outstanding collective results, and rank Haileybury in the top 0.5% of schools in Australia.”
Derek Scott, Haileybury CEO | PRINCIPAL

Academic results - NAPLAN

  • Haileybury is ranked the number two co-education independent primary school (Years 3 and 5 NAPLAN results) and the number two independent secondary school (Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN results) for girls and boys in Victoria.
  • Our 2023 NAPLAN average for Years 3 and 5 (primary) was 544.1, compared to the National average of 417.9.
  • Our 2023 NAPLAN average for Years 7 and 9 (secondary) was 637.8 compared to the National average of 520.6.
  • Haileybury’s Years 3 and 5 average (544.1) is also above average when compared with the National Years 7 and 9 average (520.6).

VCE Results 2024

  • 6 highest possible ATAR scores of 99.95 were achieved by Jing Ru Zhang & Claire Liu, Jaeden Vaithianathan, Darius Song, Locklyn Luu, Kiran Biju.
  • 33 Study Scores of the maximum 50 were achieved in 12 different subjects.
  • 52% of students attained an ATAR of 90 and above, placing them in the top 10% in Australia.
  • 96% of students were placed in the top 40% in Australia.

Exceptional teachers

While our students apply themselves rigorously, their academic success is attributed in part to our exceptional professional teachers, who are fundamental to optimal learning. Their tireless efforts and ongoing support give students the drive to achieve their best, and we encourage our educators through immersive development programs, ongoing professional support and a range of attractive benefits.

An annual Professional Recognition Program including classroom observation and appraisal.

  • Provides a mechanism for visibility of practice, through classroom observations conducted by peers and educational leaders, which in turn, provides opportunities to identify areas of development and provide feedback thus enabling continuous improvement.

A comprehensive Professional Development program for all teachers.

  • Provides a structured program to develop the core attributes of an exceptional teacher. Regular and dedicated professional learning enables educators to refine conceptual and pedagogical skills, develop the knowledge and skills needed to address students’ learning challenges, provides them with a range of strategies to enable students to learn content, provides an enriching, supportive and motivating environment which has the capacity to translate to enhanced student outcomes.

A teacher coaching model.

  • An essential component of an effective professional development program whereby there is a building and sharing of will, skill, knowledge and capacity amongst peers. The model encourages accountability of peer and supervisor observation as well as providing access to ongoing professional development

Find out more about our employment criteria and why Haileybury is a great place to work.